N.O.A.R.S. Repeaters
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VHF Yaesu DR-2X Repeater; UHF Yaesu Dr-2X Repeater; Arcom RC-210 Controller
Left: Kamrui AK1 Mini-Computer; Center: RPi 4 AllStarLink Server; Right: Windstream Modem/Router
VHF 146.700- PL110.9 * DR-2X (AllStarLink/EchoLink)
AllStarLink Node: 55354 EchoLink Node: 502546
UHF 444.800+ PL131.8 * DR-2X w/ WiRES-X (Digital mode)
(WiRES-X will automatically disconnect after 45 minutes.)
* Yaesu System Fusion Repeater in AMS/AMS mode

Yaesu System Fusion DR-2X
Tell me more about WiRES-X:
If you have Yaesu System Fusion equipment and want to know if your software/firmware is up-to-date, you can check here.