
NOARS hosts a weekly net on the 146.700 repeater to maintain contact with the local amateur radio community.   Also, NOARS sponsors a 10M net on 28.370MHz on Tuesdays @ 8 PM.

The NOARS 146.700 repeater also hosts a Wednesday Evening Food Net at 7:00 PM.  The discussions are based on food, recipes, and cooking but are not limited to that category.  Join net controls Elaine, KC8FOS, and Jeany, KC3QND, for this informal and exciting net.

The NOARS combined rag chew and technical net is held on Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM local time.  The technical discussions revolve around radio station equipment and computer hardware and are an insight to many listeners and participants who have questions regarding troubleshooting techniques. This net has been growing since the 1980s.  With help from our Net Control Stations and the rest of the NOARS crew, the discussions on the net include topics of electrical safety, tower design, antenna building, troubleshooting high SWR, noise filtering, station grounding, mobile mounting complications, battery and fuse safety, vacuum tube principles, complicated antenna regulations, tuning coils, and output tank circuits, to mention a few.  Since the beginning of personal computers being tied into amateur radio station hardware, questions of this nature have always come up. This has prompted computer-friendly operators to join in and share their knowledge solving, which, for many, was unknown, “black-box” technology and previously misunderstood.  Oh, let’s not forget the garden reports during the growing season.

Use All Star Link Node 55354 or EchoLink Node 502546 to check-in.
