
In keeping with our mission statement, we offer FCC licensing information and testing.  We welcome anyone interested in amateur radio who wishes to obtain an FCC license.  In the United States, there are currently three classes of licenses: 1) Technician, which is a beginner-level license with limited privileges; 2) General, which is a more advanced license with extended privileges; and 3) Amateur Extra, which permits operation on all allocated bands and modes available to United States hams.  If you are interested in taking a test or would like more information, please get in touch with our VE Coordinator, Elaine, at  If you are already an Extra class licensee and would like to assist with giving the tests, you can also contact Elaine. 

If you want to research Amateur Radio licensing in the United States, click the link below.

FCC Rules and Regulations Part 97

Here is a site that may interest you if you are seeking your license:

Free Ham Radio Study Website:

Presentations from past membership meetings:

NetLogger by Eric Hatfield, KE8VZA  (Download NetLogger)

Getting The Most Out of Your HF Radio with K8DV (Feb 2025)

ARCOM Amplifiers by Michael Murphy, KI8R (Oct 2024)

What You Can Do With A Technician License by Elaine, KC8FOS and Jeany, KC3QND (pptx file)

Logging Contacts by Elaine, KC8FOS (PDF)

Allstar Explained by Jason McCormick N8EI  

Portable Antennas: Show & Tell presented on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. 

Choosing A Radio by Tom, N8FDY  (PDF of slides only)

Choosing A Radio, Deep Dive by Tom, N8FDY (In-depth PDF of slides given at April 2021 Meeting)

Wire Antennas by Bob, W8NNC

SDR 101 by David Kennett, W8KFJ (SK)


ARRL The Doctor Is In, a biweekly podcast sponsored by DX Engineering, can be found here.


September 2016 Membership Meeting Presentation by Chet Roberts, K8KIZ: Field Day Antennas (This is a downloadable PowerPoint [PPTX] file)


February 2019 Membership Meeting Presentation by Tom Wilkinson, N8FDY: Set Up Your QRZ Page.
